Kombucha Recipe ⚡

Kombucha brew guide

Our handy Quick Brew Guide is here to help you brew Kombucha whether its your 1st brew or 51st brew. This brew guide makes a 3L batch of Kombucha. This is enough to make 4 x 750ml bottles.


If you’re new to brewing Kombucha, let’s start with basics:

 How to Make Kombucha  🔥  kombucha recipe

☝️ First Fermentation is turning sweet tea into plain Kombucha (unflavored / non-carbonated). 

✌️ Second Fermentation adds natural sugars to flavor and carbonate. 



☝️ First Fermentation (F1) is super simple. 

Just brew sweet tea (tea + sugar). Add cool water. Then add it to your starter Kombucha. 


[ Your first starter Kombucha can be a bottle of store-bought raw Kombucha (unflavored if possible). For subsequent brews, always save some Kombucha in the jar as this will act as your starter Kombucha. Save about 20% volume. This is continuous brewing 🥳 ]


📋 F1 INSTRUCTIONS  -  Kombucha recipe

1. Brew tea with sugar in separate large pot or vessel (~10min). 

  • [ 6 bags/12g Tea + 200g Sugar + 1L water ]

2. Add cool filtered water to bring temperature below 32°C/90°F. 

  • [1.5L water ]
3. With the starter in the jar, add the cooled sweet tea mixture. 
  • [~500ml of starter]


    Set timer: 7 days 

    Temp: about 75-80°F

    Check: Taste for sweet & sourness. Add more days as needed.



    ✌️ Second Fermentation (F2) is all about the flavor creativity. 

    To start, you’ll need enough sugar for the yeasts to eat and convert to Co2. This is what makes the Kombucha fizzy!

    Sugars can be from fruit, juice, honey or any other natural sugars. We recommend about 10-20% juice. You can also explore adding in herbs and extracts for unique flavor combinations to your kombucha recipe. 



    1. Add about 20% (150ml) of fruit juice or other flavorings. 
    2. Fill with about 80% (600ml) of your F1 Kombucha. 
    3. Optionally, add sugar/honey for added sweetness. 


    Set timer: 3 - 5 days +

    Temp: about 75-80°F

    Check: Squeeze bottle to check pressure. Fridge when ready.





    It’s recommended for the F2 bottles to cool in the fridge for a minimum of 4hrs. This allows the Co2 carbonation to dissolve into the liquid. Without cooling down, you will have ‘bottle bombs’. Since the Co2 is not dissolved into the liquid it will rapidly escape, causing foaming Kombucha to spray out. 🤯

    Always keep it cool 🥶 

    Happy brewing! 


